Week 5 - God Calls Abraham -
Bible Time FUN Through the Bible
Kids Bible Lesson 5 - God Calls Abraham
Week 5 the girls learned about father Abraham.
God made a promise to Abraham and because Abraham was obedient to God, he received his reward. Happy learning!
If you haven’t read the introduction to Bible Time yet, I recommend you read the outline about the Bible lessons for children first.
Children's bible lesson about abraham - Key Concepts
The key concepts that we focused on this week are:
God always keeps his promises.
Trusting God builds our faith.
God is happy when we obey him.
You can also come up with your own key concepts.
Bible Verse for kids
The Bible verse for this lesson is Genesis 12:4 “So Abram left Haran as the Lord had told him”.
This Bible verse should be simple enough for your toddler to memorize after a week of practice.
Bible Story Tips
We read the story “God Calls Abraham” beginning on page 9 of the children's Bible Storybook called Bible-Time Stories and Rhymes.
During story, draw attention to the key concepts for this lesson.
Don't forget to ask questions related to the story, for example, “What did God ask Abraham to do?”
We taught our daughters about what it means to obey God and what it means to have faith.
After the Bible story and discussion session, we stand up and do the interactive rhyme found in the Bible storybook.
After the story and rhyme, we say a prayer that is related to the Bible story. You can either have your children repeat after you or allow them to come up with their own prayer.
Bible Song about abraham
The Bible song for this week is "Father Abraham".
We cast the song from YouTube to the television, so our children can see the motions on the big screen.
bible Activities about abraham
We did different Bible activities each day - related to the story God Calls Abraham. We also have a selection of free Abraham activities for children here.
The Bible Time Family Fun Pack includes all of the Bible activities printed for your convenience, learn more here. Some activities included:
Abraham coloring Page
During the Abraham Bible Coloring Page activity, remind the children that Abraham was faithful to God.
God’s Promise to Abraham bible Craft
During this Bible craft, we told the girls that God promised Abraham that he would have as many descendants as the number of stars in the sky.
- The girls had fun counting all the stars they put on their craft.
- The craft can be made by gluing green construction paper and an Abraham cut-out onto a black background. You can also add star-shaped stickers to stick to the sky. (We used the God’s Promise to Abraham Craft found in the Bible Time Family Fun Pack).
Build a Compass Bible Activity
During this activity we explained to the girls how a compass tells you what direction you are going.
Abraham did not know where he was going, but God directed Abraham and his family to their new home.
- Our girls were so impressed to see the compass they helped build actually work!
- You can find the instructions to the Build a Compass Bible Activity here.
Obey My Command Bible game
God wants us to obey his commands and when we are obedient, we are rewarded.
We played a Bible game that teaches the kids to listen and obey while having fun moving!
- Instructions: Stand facing the children and give them a command, such as, “Jump,” “Spin,” “Wiggle,” and so on. Between commands say, “Stop”.
- Happily thank or reward your children if they followed the commands (to the best of their ability).
Steps of Faith Bible Activity
During this Bible activity about Abraham, we talked about what it means to step out on faith and by obeying God’s request, Abraham stepped out on faith.
Promised Land Maze Bible game
Our girls had a blast working their way through the Promised Land Maze Bible game.
They took a few wrong turns, but eventually made it to the final destination.
Pop up Tent - Abraham Bible Activity
Our girls helped Abraham and his family set up their new home!
During this Bible craft, we talked about how God blessed Abraham and his family and how God was happy with their obedience.
- Our daughters marked their footsteps, to show their willingness to step out on faith for God.
- This activity can be done by simply tracing your child’s foot on to a sheet of paper and writing on top “Obeying God is a Step of Faith” as a reminder. (We used the “Step of Faith” sheet found in the Family Fun Pack.)
- We reminded our girls that God always keeps his promises.
- The girls played the Pop-up Tent Abraham Bible Activity for hours.
- To add to the fun, our girls decided to use their Bible characters and animal figurines for Abraham's family and livestock. We could see how much they learned from this story, by how they played with the figurines. My heart was truly touched.
I hope you enjoyed week 5 of Bible Time FUN Through the Bible. Please comment or share using #bibletimefun.
Don't forget, the Bible Time Family Fun Pack includes all these activities, printed for your convenience. Check them out below! Learn more about the Bible Time Family Fun Pack Subscription Box.
Children's Bible Lessons
There are 52 children's Bible lessons, one for each week of the year.
I tailored the lessons to fit the age of my children by making them simple and interactive
To begin, select a lesson.
Old Testament
1. God Created the World
2. Adam and Eve's Sin
3. Noah and the Ark
4. The Tower of Babel
5. God calls Abraham
19. Give us a King
19. Give us a King