Week 2 - Adam and Eve's Sin
Bible Time FUN Through the Bible
Kids Bible Lesson 2 - Adam and Eve's Sin

For week 2, we learned the story of Adam and Eve and the introduction of sin into the
world. I hope you have just as much fun as we did during this lesson!
If you haven’t read the introduction to Bible Time yet, I recommend you read the outline about the Bible lessons for children first.
Children's Bible Lesson about adam and eve - key Concepts
The key concepts that we focused on this week are:
We must obey Gods instructions.
God forgives us even when we sin.
There are consequences when we do not listen.
You can also come up with your own key concepts.
kids Bible Verse
The Bible verse for this lesson is Genesis 2:17 “You must not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.”
This Bible verse should be simple enough for your toddler to memorize after a week of practice.
Bible Story Tips
We read “Adam and Eve's Sin” beginning on page 3 of the children's Bible Storybook called Bible-Time Stories and Rhymes.
During story, draw attention to the key concepts for this lesson.
Ask questions related to the story, for example, “What was Gods rule for Adam and Eve?”
I asked our daughters questions about why it’s important to listen and explained that there are consequences if we are not obedient.
After the Bible story and discussion session, we stand up and do the interactive rhyme.
Adam and Eve bible Craft
During this craft, we talked about how the serpent tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit and Eve convinced Adam to eat the fruit too.

After the story and rhyme, we say a prayer that is related to the Bible story. You can either have your children repeat after you or allow them to come up with their own prayer.
Song about adam and eve
The Bible song for this week is "Be Careful Little Eyes What You See".
We cast the song from YouTube to the television, so our children can see the motions on the big screen.

bible Activities about adam and eve
We did different Bible activities each day - related to the story of Adam and Eve. We also have a selection of free Adam and Eve Bible activities for children here.
The Bible Time Family Fun Pack includes all of the Bible activities printed for your convenience, learn more here. Some activities included:
Adam and Eve Coloring Page
While the girls colored this Adam and Eve Bible Coloring page, we talked about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

This Bible craft can be made by drawing a snake in a coil and having your children will cut out the snake along the lines (helping strengthen fine motor skills).
We used the Adam and Eve Craft found in the Bible Time Family Fun Pack).
Pressure of Temptation Experiment
We did a fun experiment that demonstrated how the pressure of temptation can suck us in and how God is our way of escape. You can find out how to do this Bible experiment for children here.
Happy Face, Sad Face Bible Activity
We did a Bible activity that showed how obedience makes God happy and sin makes God sad. The girls had a blast with this game. We were pleasantly surprised how well they responded to the examples we gave!
- Give your children examples of good deeds and behaviors or bad deeds and behaviors. If you relay a bad behavior, have the children show the sad face. If you relay a good (nice) behavior, have the children show the happy face.
Example: I asked, “Does listening to what your parents ask make God happy or sad?” They both screamed “HAPPY” with excitement.
- The happy and sad face Bible activity can be made by drawing a happy face and a sad face on a paper plate (or card-stock paper) and attaching it to a jumbo craft stick.

We also played a Bible game that helped the girls understand what it means to obey instructions.
Obey the Sign Bible Activity
- Give instructions that your children can follow, like “hop and down.” While you
hold the GO sign up they will follow the instruction, but they must stop when the red STOP sign is held up.
- The STOP and GO sign can be made by using red and green construction paper and jumbo craft sticks. (We used the STOP/GO signs found in the Family Fun Pack.)

Sin to Skin Bible Activity
During the Sin to Skin Bible activity, we discussed that there are consequences when we don’t listen.

Forbidden tree Connect the Dot Bible Activity
The girls were reminded about the importance obeying God's instruction while
practicing their counting skills using the Forbidden Tree Connect the Dot Bible Activity.

Free Adam and Eve Bible activities for toddlers can be found at www.bibletimefun.com/bible-activities
I hope you enjoyed week 2 of Bible Time FUN Through the Bible. Please comment or share using #bibletimefun.
Don't forget, the Bible Time Family Fun Pack includes all these activities, printed for your convenience. Check them out below! Learn more about the Bible Time Family Fun Pack Subscription Box.

Children's Bible Lessons
There are 52 children's Bible lessons, one for each week of the year.
Every lesson, craft and activity is simple, fun and interactive - tailored for toddlers & preschoolers!!
To begin, select a lesson:
Old Testament
1. God Created the World
2. Adam and Eve's Sin
3. Noah and the Ark
4. The Tower of Babel
19. Give us a King