Part 3: Making Bible Study Fun: Creativity is Key | Five Creative Ways to Learn the about the Bible
I was once asked, “how can you make Bible Study fun?” My response was that you are limited only by your imagination. Think about it,...

Noah's Ark Story for Kids - Fun Through the Bible - Children's Crafts, Bible Songs & Activities
Join us as we have FUN through the Bible! This week's lesson is the Noah's Ark Kid's Bible Story. You can follow along in three FUN ways:...

January Bible Time F-U-N Newsletter - Fun Facts and News you Can Use
FUN FACT Did you know that there are a total of 365 verses that tell us to fear not! One for every single day of the year! One of my...

Adam and Eve Story for Kids - Fun Through the Bible - Children's Crafts, Bible Songs & Activities
Join us as we have FUN through the Bible! This weeks lesson is the Adam and Eve Bible Story. You can follow along in three FUN ways:...

Part 2: Making Bible Study Fun: Memorizing Bible Verses | Five Fun Ways to Learn Bible Verses
The Psalmist David wrote, “Your word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11. As parents, perhaps our...

The Story of Creation for Kids - Fun Through the Bible - Children's Crafts, Bible Songs & Activities
Join us as we have FUN through the Bible! Our first lesson is The Story of Creation. You can follow along in three FUN ways: Print the...

Wishing You a Happy New Year - Do Not Worry Bible Verse - Cast all Your Cares on Him
There is a 1980’s song that says, “Don't worry, be happy In every life we have some trouble But when you worry you make it double Don't...

Part 1: Making Bible Study Fun: The Joy of Music | Seven Fun and Easy Kids Praise and Worship Songs
There is a famous quote that says “Music, it feeds the soul”. Have you noticed that if you put something to song, you remember it so...

December Bible Time F-U-N Newsletter - Fun Facts and News you Can Use
FUN FACT Did you know the Bible doesn't say how many wise men came to see baby Jesus? What the Bible does tell us is that three gifts...

FREE Children's Thanksgiving Day Craft - Easy Paper Bag Turkey Puppet for Kids | Bible Time Fun
Thanksgiving is here! What joy! I love Thanksgiving. I love the togetherness, the food, the family and the chance to reflect on where...