Part 2: My Body, God’s Temple: Respecting God | FREE Kid's Activities for Honoring God
Respecting God So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Give no offense to Jews or to Greeks or to...

Part 3: The Anatomy of the Bible: The Instruction Manual | Teaching Kids How to Study God's Word
The Anatomy of the Bible: The Instruction Manual In Second Timothy 3, Paul shares a heartfelt encouragement to his young protégé. He...

Part 2: The Anatomy of the Bible: God's Acts of Love Throughout | Teaching Gods Love in His Word
The Anatomy of the Bible: Teaching God's Love Throughout In studying the Bible or sharing its passages with a loved one, friend, stranger...

Part 1: The Anatomy of the Bible: Old and New Testament | FUN Ways to Teach the Bible to Children
The Anatomy of the Bible: Old and New Testament Making the decision to study the Bible with your child or even for yourself can seem like...

Jacob's Ladder Kid's Bible Story - Fun Through the Bible - Crafts, Bible Songs & Activities
Join us as we have FUN through the Bible! This week's Bible Story lesson is Jacob's Ladder. You can follow along in three FUN ways:...

Sodom & Gomorrah Kid's Bible Story - Fun Through the Bible - Crafts, Bible Songs & Activities
Join us as we have FUN through the Bible! This week's Bible Story lesson is Sodom and Gomorrah Kid's Bible Story. You can follow along...

Part 2: Teaching Our Children About: The Love for God | FUN Ways to Teach Children to Love God
Teaching Our Children About: The Love for God You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all...

FREE Kid's Valentine's Day Bible Lessons | Seven Children's Bible Based Crafts about God's Love
Love is the perfect lesson to teach your children this Valentine’s Day season. In this time of love, teach your ...

February Bible Time F-U-N Newsletter - Fun Facts and News you Can Use
FUN FACT Did you know that the word "love" is mentioned nearly 700 times in the Bible. Well to be more accurate, it really depends on the...

Baby Isaac Kids Bible Story - Fun Through the Bible - Children's Crafts, Bible Songs & Activities
Join us as we have FUN through the Bible! This week's lesson is Isaac is Born Kid's Bible Story. You can follow along in three FUN ways:...