Week 21 - Elijah and The Widow -
Bible Time FUN Through the Bible

Kids Bible Lesson 21 - Elijah and The Widow

Welcome to week 21!
This week your children learn the Bible story of Elijah and the widow.
God told the prophet Elijah to travel a long distance to a town named Zarephath. In the
town, God told Elijah a widow would feed him during the long drought. Elijah knew God’s word would come true, but the widow was unsure about giving away her last meal. In this Bible lesson about Elijah and the widow, the children learn that God knows what you need and will take care of you. Have fun learning this story of faith!
If you haven’t read the introduction to Bible Time yet, I recommend you read the outline about the Bible lessons for children first.
Children's bible lesson about Elijah and The Widow - Key Concepts
The key concepts that we focused on this week are:
God will take care of you.
It takes great faith to trust God.
God wants you to share with other people.
You can also come up with your own key concepts.
Bible Verse for kids
The Bible verse for this lesson is 1 Kings 17:16 ICB
“The jar of flour and the jug of oil were never empty”.
This Bible verse should be simple enough for your toddler to memorize after a week of practice.
Bible Story Tips
We read “Elijah and the Widow” beginning on page 41 of the children's Bible Storybook called Bible-Time Stories and Rhymes.
During story, draw attention to the key concepts for this lesson.
Don't forget to ask questions related to the story, for example, “Did the widow’s flour and oil last throughout the drought?”
Throughout the Bible lesson we reiterated how it takes great faith to trust God.
After the Bible story and discussion session, we stand up and do the interactive rhyme found in the Bible storybook.

After the story and rhyme, we say a prayer that is related to the Bible story. You can either have your children repeat after you or allow them to come up with their own prayer.
Bible Song about Elijah and The Widow
The Bible song for this week is "God Is So Good".
We cast the song from YouTube to the television, so our children can see the motions on the big screen.
bible Activities about Elijah and The Widow
We did different Bible activities each day - related to Elijah and the Widow. We also have a selection of free Bible activities about Elijah and The Widow here.
The Bible Time Family Fun Pack includes all of the Elijah Bible activities (plus more), printed and arranged for your convenience. Some fun and kid-friendly Elijah Bible activities include:
Elijah and The Widow bible coloring Page
While our daughters colored the