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February Bible Time F-U-N Newsletter - Fun Facts and News you Can Use


Did you know that the word "love" is mentioned nearly 700 times in the Bible. Well to be more accurate, it really depends on the version you are using. The New International version repeats the word “love” most frequently, but other versions like the New King James says the actual work much less, a little over 500 times. But is there any surprise the concept of love would be used so frequently in the Bible? Which begs the question, why is there such a negative connotation when it comes to the image of God to so many people. Why is He so despised?


God is love! He embodies the noun, He demonstrates the verb and He is the portrayal of the adjective. Love is not just another characteristic of God, it is Him. If only we could accept such unconditional, agape love that was and is extended towards us, perhaps then we would surrender our all and teach our little ones with ferver the love of God. This love will transform how we see God even while looking at the hate and sin of this world.

We are only able to love because of God’s love for us. And God desires to recreate that love in us. The Psalmist David pleaded for God to “create in me a clean heart Oh God and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalms 51:10 This clean heart and right spirit is one that purely expresses the love of God, love for God. Only then we can truly love and submit our hearts to Him. Then we can love others with genuineness not seeking anything in return and then we can see ourselves as His creation and the temple where His spirit can dwell. These are invaluable lesions to teach our youths as they grow in a world were love has been reduced to a mere word. Follow us this month as we go on a journey each week looking that the different approaches to love and learning a little more about God's genuine love.


  1. Bible Time FUN Through the Bible continues with theses FUN stories: Isaac is Born, Sodom and Gomorrah, Jacob's Ladder and The Story of Joseph. Download the FREE activities and follow along!

  2. We now have the Digital Version of the Bible Time Family Fun Pack. Check it out at our SHOP.

  3. Family Fun Pack activity boxes can now be purchased individually. Visit our SHOP.

  4. The February blog series is all about LOVE! Check out Part 1: Teaching Our Children about: The Love of God.

  5. February Freebies: Download our two Bible-Based Activities all about LOVE! Click on the links below.

Catch up on January's blog series:

For more fun news visit the Bible Time Fun Facebook page.


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