Daily Bible Verse About God's Plans vs Our Plans - Bible Time - Bible Verses

Proverbs 21:30
There’s no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
Key Thought
No matter how fresh the start nor how great the plans we have made, if we do not walk with God, the coming year will not be a spiritual success.
As we receive this gift of a new year, let's commit to serve the Lord. As we make plans for the coming days ahead, let's make sure that those plans are made based on the LORD's revealed will in Scripture, the leading of the Holy Spirit, and prayerful consideration of what our God wants us to accomplish.
Father in heaven, please help me know your will each day. Bring the people into my life who will help me love you more, serve you effectively, and bless others in meaningful ways. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
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