Daily Bible Verse About Planning For the Future - Bible Time - Bible Verses
Psalm 37:28
Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will succeed.
Key Thought
How do I define success for my plans?
The answer is very simple: bringing glory to God for his grace.
Committing our works and plans to God means surrendering them to God's will, trusting that God will be glorified in them and recognizing that it is not in our power to properly guide our own steps. God longs to bless us and empower us — not for our own selfish ambition but for our eternal good and for his glory.
Like Jesus, when we commit our plans and works to the Lord, we are saying, "Not my will, Father, but yours be done!"
Heavenly Father, I want your will to be my plans. I want your glory to be my goal. I commit my ways, my plans, and my works to you and to your glory. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen
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