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Daily Bible Verse About Refuge in God - Bible Time - Bible Verses

Psalm 59:16

I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.

Key Thoughts

So many things in our lives can be taken away by disasters, aging, and death. We may face great trials that change our lives forever. But even if we think that we are at the end of our ropes, there is hope! We have a God that promises to be our fortress and our refuge in times of trouble. We can sing with joy knowing that in the midst of every storm we have shelter and when life gets tough, we have a place to retreat; in the presence of the Lord. We can invest ourselves in him and know our spirits are secure in his care.

What is your song of praise?


God of strength and Rock of my salvation, thank you for being so faithful. Thank you for being the source of security and future in a day of chaos and change. May you be glorified in me today. Amen.

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